Free Articles and Helpful Stuff
Completion & Retentions
Completion & Retentions Without doubt the messiest part of projects we see is the end. Rarely is the completion processes of a project followed as per the contract. If there is no contract then no one brings any formality to the end of works. Very [...]
Surviving Domestic Building: How to deal with Mrs Jones
Payment Disputes with Domestic Clients Mrs Jones seemed nice enough. She made you cups of coffee. She inquired as to your family’s well-being. She shared a joke with you most days. That was then. Now you haven’t been paid in two months, she’s ignoring your [...]
A guide to all the different payment terms available to you
Due Dates For Payment Which One Will Work Best For You? It is unfortunately all too common for a contractor to produce a detailed quote for the work they will do for the client that contains pages of description regarding the scope of works, but [...]
Stop Waiting for Payment
Stop Waiting for Payment Here’s a question for you... what is the most common period of time that elapses between a payment being due and the contractor sticking up a hand and asking for help? 8 months!!! That’s right. In the hundreds of payment matters [...]
Getting your money starts with the right thoughts and attitudes
The Debt Recovery Mindset This is perhaps the most important article I have written because it points out what needs to be in place in your own mind before you try to get your money back. Most contractors do not have the right thoughts and [...]
Payment Withholding Request
Payment Withholding Request Payment Withholding Request – NSW SOP Act 2010 Amendment NSW Payment Withholding Request Form For more great articles and video information about dealing with the Security of Payment Act go to or call us on 1300 669 [...]
Getting Paid… When no one else is
Getting Paid When Your Client Goes Under I have lost count of the number of times contractors call me saying that their client has gone into administration, and asking “So is that it? Have I lost my money?” Sadly in most instances the answer is [...]
You Need to Value it to Get PAID for it
The Importance of Valuing Your Work Few contractors understand the need for an easy-to-understand method of valuing their work. In a payment dispute, getting the client to accept that additional work means additional cost is only half the battle. The real battle is agreeing on [...]
Payment Power: How site diaries make all the difference
The Power of Site Diaries A well documented religiously kept Site Diary is one of the best things you can do to protect the value of your work in a Payment dispute, yet it is one of the rarest things to find. And I’m not [...]
Dirty Deeds: Insulting payment offers and Deeds of Release
Dirty Deeds: Insulting payment offers and Deeds of Release I wish I had $20 bucks for every client that called me up telling me he had just received a Deed of Release from the builder or developer with a curt request that he sign it [...]
No Payment Ahead
The Warning Signs of Non Payment When I sit in front of my clients and ask them to tell me the story of their payment issue I often hear warning sign after warning sign that my client did not pick up on. They tell me [...]
Milestone payments: Don’t fall for them!
The Evils of Milestone Payments A contract that provides for Milestone Payments is one where payments are not scheduled by time but by a ‘milestone’. This means that payments are due when a certain event or section of work is reached. We all know the [...]
When does non payment become Debt Recovery?
From Non Payment to Debt Recovery I know that sounds like a weird question and it doesn't even seem to make sense. Isn't 'non payment' and 'debt recovery' kinda the same thing?In fact they are very different. It is that difference that explains why trade contractors wait [...]
Problem With Part Payments
Dealing With Part Payments Most of you would wonder what could possibly be a problem with getting some money. Even if it’s not all you have claimed, surely it’s better than nothing.Yes it is better than nothing, but it can cost you more than what you’ve [...]
Security of Payment Act timings (NSW & QLD)
The NSW Payment Claim Timeline For more great articles and video information about dealing with the Security of Payment Act go to or call us on 1300 669 075
Why Clients Don’t Pay
Why Clients Don't Pay Many contractors suffer non-payment frequently and struggle to get what’s owed to them. Non-payment is a disease affecting the construction industry. For a long time, contractors had virtually no bargaining power with which to extract payments from head contractors or principals. [...]
Good Blokes
Good Bloke's Don't Get Paid You’ve done the right thing by your client. You’ve completed the work, you’ve met the deadlines asked of you, and you’ve even thrown in some extras at no charge. Your client has not paid the last three progress claims but you [...]
Paperwork Gets You Paid
How Paperwork Gets You Paid I know a contractor who was asked to do so much additional work that the value of the variations exceeded the original contract price. When it came to payment time the client flat-out refused to pay any of the variations [...]
Project Pictures
Why Photos Are Worth $100,000.00 There is that old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well in the building and construction game, a good picture can be worth much, much more. So often when conducting payment claims for clients I come across [...]
Settlement Offers
How To Accept Settlement Offers I recently had two clients (let’s call them Jason and Peter) who were both offered a settlement deal by their debtors. Contractors Debt Recovery had made adjudication applications on behalf of both of them, and the offers had been received [...]
How to Get Paid for Variations Getting paid for variations is the holy grail of contracting. It is by far the most common battleground for payment disputes, but least understood. What is a Variation? A Variation is either and addition to, or reduction to, or [...]
The Secret of Variations
The Secret of Variations All right. Anthony Igra again from Contractors Debt Recovery. Welcome. Today, we’re going to talk about variations the no. 1 hottest topic. How do you deal with variations? Okay. The most important aspect of variations is to know that it is [...]